"I was born with a bronze skin and I like it. Some of my friends were born white or black or yellow. They were not consulted. But that's all right. There are yellow roses, white roses, and red roses and the fragrance of one is about as nice as another." ~Chief Walking Buffalo

Monday, September 6, 2010

armfarts and other useful things

I don't know what it is these lately, but for some reason our lives seem to be filled with crude jokes about bodily noises.

I would like to say that this is a new phenomena, but unfortunately, as I was reading back in prior entries, I see that I blogged about it around Sugarbear's 5th birthday. At the time it was Dee who was obsessed with the potty humour, but now it has spread to her big sis too.

I know that dad is to blame for these latest rounds, as he recently introduced them to the armpit fart. Since then, she has been heartily practicing at every spare moment. If only I could get her to practice piano this easily!

I honestly try to suppress my laughter each time and lecture her about how inappropriate this display would be at school, but to no avail. It is surely not the fart noise itself, but her steadfast determination mixed with her utter glee at having accomplished the toot sound.

The way she puts her hip into it.

She kind of tosses her whole body to the side and frantically wings her arm up and down.

Her upper lip curls as she furrows her brow.

I just can't keep a straight face, which certainly does not help to discourage the behaviour. In addition, the real thing has been popping up a lot lately.

Didn't I have girls??

So, when we were saying their bedtime prayers tonight and listing everything that we were thankful for, I mentioned (in resignation that this is and will be a perpetual part of my life - I also now have 3 younger boys...) that we should be thankful for farts because if we couldn't fart, then all that gas would build up inside and we would get a tummy ache; to which I get her astonished, slightly excited reply: "you mean farts are useful?!!"

Oh, yes and unfortunately, still, so funny.

1 comment:

  1. So true. Kids keep us thinking and smiling. I love this entry, Tammy.
