"I was born with a bronze skin and I like it. Some of my friends were born white or black or yellow. They were not consulted. But that's all right. There are yellow roses, white roses, and red roses and the fragrance of one is about as nice as another." ~Chief Walking Buffalo

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


We received Government approval today! It is official, our Dossier is now final and on its way for translation and notarization, and then off to Ethiopia. So the end of this stage marks the beginning of another long journey of waiting. They are saying now the wait for a referral could be approximately 8 months, but it will be worth it. I can't wait to look back at all these important dates as I wonder where is my baby right now?
Are you born yet?
Are you with your first mother?
Or is she pregnant with you?
What were you doing today?
What will your Christmas be like this year?
So many questions and I may never know the answers. But I will keep anticipating your arrival and daydreaming about who you are. We are officially one step closer today on this journey to you.
See? We are creating milestones already, even though we are apart.


  1. YAY!!! I was SO happy to hear that!! Congrats again! Just wait till the ministry overseas approves it and you get this whole big copy of your entire dossier back after it's been translated. It's really cool to see a big chunk of it in Amharic.

    You are now in the same stage as us in the waiting game! It's so bittersweet but perfect in it's own way. SO SO SO excited for you guys!!

  2. Congrats on the News Tammy! We are very happy for you guys! That is funny because I was thinking that I'd be asking myself those same questions if it were us. Just thinking about where that little one is at and if only they knew what was going to be coming their way and that he/she is going to be getting 2 beautiful little sisters and 2 awesome parents to boot!

  3. Very excited for you all and this incredible story that one day you will be able to tell in it's fullest. One day, some day soon, will turn into tomorrow and before you know it...it will be today! And we will all be overwhelmed with happiness for you all and for your new family member. Our new family member. Love to you guys as always hon.
