"I was born with a bronze skin and I like it. Some of my friends were born white or black or yellow. They were not consulted. But that's all right. There are yellow roses, white roses, and red roses and the fragrance of one is about as nice as another." ~Chief Walking Buffalo

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Happy Halloween! We had a successful day from music class to pre-school to pumpkin carving to trick or treating. There was only one minor glitch at the over decorated neighbour dressed as an alien playing scary music with fog and moving props house. As (Ariel) promptly ran away from the house, he came out after her to the end of the driveway to give her candy. When he realized her terror as she screamed and hid behind our neighbour (you see her little spiderman and fireman below) who we were trick or treating with, he took off his mask and tried to calm her fear. Despite that, we dodged any nightmares. Here's a photo summary. xo

Pumpkin carving time...

Success - thanks for the kit Nana and Grandad!

Let's go get some candy!

To auntie C and uncle J's house
(The girls excitedly asked me "I wonder what uncle Jereme will be dressed up as??)

Our friends from the Cul de Sac.

Sorting candy (mom gets the peanut butter cups!)

Good treats!

Worn out...

Our big girl manned the door the rest of the night and did a great job!

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